
We Need Volunteers

With over 1200 members our organisation is run by volunteers with the exception of one paid part time Office Administrator. There are a number of categories of volunteers that fuel U3A Redlands. These range from Tutors, Committee members, Office volunteers and those that help support one off events such as the Open Day

Currently we have vacancies in a number of areas and we invite you to consider offering your time and life experience to assist us in enriching U3A Redlands.


Would you like to spend 3 hours, once or twice a month, helping out in our U3A Office? We (U3A Redlands) in general, and our office staff in particular, would be most grateful. You don’t need any special skills, apart from the ability to answer the phone and make cups of tea. Currently we have vacancies on Wednesdays.

Are you good with Accounts?

Our Treasurer Charles’ role is becoming increasingly busy with added compliance requirements and additional processing generated by our building project, which will only increase once our building gets under way. Do you have good computer skills and are comfortable with spreadsheeting? Do you have MYOB Accounting cloud software experience? Perhaps you are happy to learn and perform more manual tasks like writing receipts; banking money; reconciling petty cash? If you think you could help and you would like to volunteer for a couple of hours a week, a fortnight, or as needed, please contact the office on 3821 3888.   

Water Aerobics Coordinator

A long standing Coordinator is retiring and we are seeking a replacement.
Please phone the office on 3821 388 or email admin@u3aredlands.com.au if this sounds like something that might interest you.

U3A Redlands Needs New Tutors

Do you have a skill, a particular knowledge, or a passion you are willing to share? We would welcome tutors in Art, Line Dancing, Computer Skills, Yoga, Exercise, Auslan, Indigenous studies or more. Help us to provide more variety to members and to provide additional tutors for those activities that are full and with waiting lists. Being the tutor of a course at U3A can open the door to a whole new world – not just for the course participants but also for the tutor. We’d love you to join our enthusiastic band of tutors. Please contact our office on 3821 3888 to arrange for a Tutor Liaison Officer to contact you.

“Volunteers reported feeling physically healthier, having an enriched sense of purpose, lowered stress levels and improved sense of well being.”
– Volunteering Queensland