
The University of the Third Age, Redlands District Inc.

Adopted 30 November 2015

Made under Rule 3: Objects

(10) The guiding principles for the association include –

  • (a) members are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner when dealing with other members and tutors. Bullying, aggressive and intimidatory behaviour and discrimination will not be accepted.

Made under Rule 7: New Membership

(2) An application for membership may be downloaded from the association’s web site; and

  • (a) be completed and signed by the applicant and submitted to the association; or
  • (b) be completed on the web site and forwarded electronically.

Made under Rule 9: Admission and rejection of new members

(5) (a) Written advice will be in the form of a Membership Card detailing name of member and membership number. The new member is to sign the Membership Card.

(6) No person shall be a member unless they are, in the opinion of the management committee, in the third age of their life.

Made under Rule 10: When membership ends

(3) (e) A member who is indebted to the association in respect of an annual subscription or levy or any other payment whatsoever.

Made under Rule 13: Register of Members

(6) The register of members of the association will be handled in ways which protect the privacy of individual members. Direct access or lists will not be provided to individuals or other organizations.

Made under Rule 27: Appointment of subcommittees

(6) Subcommittees shall conform to regulations that may be imposed in writing by the management committee; and

  • (a) at least one member of each subcommittee shall also be a member of the management committee; and
  • (b) the president and secretary shall be ex-officio members of all subcommittees.

Made under Rule 45: Funds and accounts

(6) At each management committee meeting an up-to-date financial statement, in a format approved by the management committee and supported by completed books of account, will be presented for approval.

Made under Rule 45: Funds and accounts

(5) (e) Additionally, irrespective of value of payment, any two jointly of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer or any one of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer jointly with any one of three other authorised members of the association to sign cheques or to electronically authorise electronic funds transfer transactions in accordance with bank requirements.

Made under Rule 46: General financial matters

(3) The association’s income may be derived from annual membership fees, donations, fund-raising activities, grants, interest and other sources approved by the management committee; and

  • (a) any support, financial or in kind, will be accepted only on the basis that the association retains its independence.

(4) Annual membership fees will principally finance the day to day administrative costs incurred by the association. The fees are set each year by the management committee, to be approved by members at a general meeting; and

  • (a) in determining the level of annual membership fees, the management committee shall be guided by the principle that income for the association from all sources (including fees) should be sufficient to cover projected expenditure of the association.

(5) Fees charged to members attending a course may comprise the cost of rental of the venue, hire of equipment, photocopying, refreshments and other incidental course expenses; and

  • (a) the tutor accepts responsibility for collecting course fees for depositing to the association’s bank account or lodging at the association’s office;
  • (b) At its discretion, the management committee may elect for the association to subsidise the cost incurred with running a course.

(6) No remuneration shall be paid to members or other participants for their contributions as tutors, discussion leaders, conveners, organisers or office bearers;

(7) Upon dissolution of U3A Redlands District Inc., the income and property of the association is not to be distributed, paid or transferred in any way to the association’s members.

(8) An assets details register recording property, plant and equipment acquired, will be maintained in a format approved by the management committee. Before the end of each financial year, the management committee will ensure an internal audit is conducted to identify each asset recorded in the register.