U3A Redlands District Key Dates

Learn about the history of U3A world wide
U3A began in France in 1973. U3A is the University of the Third Age, which is the age of active retirement, coming after the age of youth and work and home making. University is taken in its original meaning a “community of teachers and scholars”. There are no prerequisites for membership and no exams.
U3A is a worldwide self-help organisation promoting learning for personal enjoyment and wellbeing. Keeping the brain active, doing interesting things and making new friends are essential for helping older people to maximise their chances of independence. U3A is making a very
substantial contribution to society by helping its members to remain healthy and active for longer.
Learn about the history of U3A Redlands District Inc
U3A Redlands began as a branch of U3A Brisbane in 1988. Helen Huck was our first coordinator, 1989-1993, followed by Joy Buhmann from 1993-1998 with John Butters as coordinator from February 1998. In July 1998 a special public meeting voted for the creation of U3A Redlands District and John Butters became the inaugural president and continued until 2003.
John Butters was instrumental in forming a partnership with the Cleveland District State High School which spanned 25 years. The U3A office was established there in 1998.
John handed over the Presidency in 2003 to June Busfield, then Edward (Ted) Grant became President from 2008 until 2010. In 2010 Julie Porteous became President until 2018, with Debra Barker as President from 2018-2020, and Janese Lowe from 2020 to Current. U3A Redlands District has grown from 120 original members in 1998 to over 1,200 post-Covid current members in 2023 enjoying 80 courses with new courses starting up each term. In 2023 the U3A Movement celebrated its Golden Anniversary and U3A Redlands District Inc. celebrated its Silver Anniversary 1998-2023.
Shining a Light on Learning – In 2023 University of the Third Age (U3A) Redlands District celebrated 25 years of “Shining a Light on Learning”.
The Silver Anniversary Hero Image is a collage of photos taken over 25 years including two different U3A Redlands Logos. 25 years of “Shining a Light on Learning” was celebrated with an exhibition held at the Redlands Museum, Cleveland from the 7th June to 31st July 2023.
The Exhibition featured important historical moments and achievements in the life of the U3A Redlands District and promoted a wide range of academic and leisure courses.

Short, dynamic and fun displays were presented to the Redlands Coast community by talented U3A Redlands’ members at various times and locations attracting many visitors to the exhibition.
Visitors were treated to watercolour and jewellery workshops, dancers, singers, theatre, and music by the ukulele band and the piano performance group.
The Exhibition and the Dynamic Displays showcased U3A Redlands District’s services and role in the community.
An example of the Dynamic Display program is featured to the right.